Co-Curricular Programme

Several skills and qualities that are instrumental to a child's holistic development are learnt outside the classroom. BTS has a mandatory co-curricular programme that fully supports a child's leaming process. The programme has ve modules, each of which comprise of several activities for different age groups. All students at BTS pursue different activities under each of the modules, based on their interests.

Sports and Games
Besides nurturing their athletic talents, this module inculcates a spirit of healthy competition and team work in students. Qualified trainers and coaches monitor the progress of every child, to ensure that they learn, and excel at a wide range of sports and games.
Outdoor Activities: Athletics, Swimming, Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Kho-kho
Indoor Activities: Badminton, Chess, Table Tennis,
Physical Education: Aerobics, Martial Arts, Yoga

Performing Arts
This module allows students to discover and nurture a creative spirit while learning. An involvement in Perfor mance Arts helps students to increase academic discipline and provides them with a medium for self-expression. Music: Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Piano, Singing, Bagpipe Dance: Indian, Western By Torrins

Creative Interests
Pursuing hobbies and interests is a great way to enhance one's personality and discover hidden talents. The diverse mix of activities under this module ensures that every child finds something that is of interest to him/her. Calligraphy, Clay Modelling, Drawing, Gardening, Origami, Painting, Pottery

Personality Development
The importance of inter-personal and communication skills cannot be undermined in today's competitive world. These need to be instilled in a person at a young age as it gets harder to acquire them as we grow older. The offerings under this module prepare students to handle challenging social and professional situations with confidence. Debate, Elocution, Etiquette Building, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Reading

Service Initiatives
In addition to becoming knowledgeable individuals, it is crucial for children to become responsible adults. Under this module, students are encouraged to put others' interests before their own and get involved in selfless service for the benet of those around them. Community Service, Environmental Protection, Library Assistance, News Board Management, School Magazine